Serving Legal Papers to Members of the Military

Delivering legal documents, notifying of claims and charges, or informing of specific acts are processes that are normal for every individual, including military members. Military personnel can be served with legal papers under state law, but the process might get more complicated depending on their location.

There are currently 481,254 active military professionals in the US that might require some papers delivered. But although the service process is fairly straightforward, there are still some differences depending on the military personnel’s situation. Here is what the serving process looks like for each.

Serving Process Regulations

There are rules to follow and specific items to verify before serving papers to a member of the military. The location of the service process and whether the member lives off-base or on-base are important.

The serving process can get complicated if the member is on a military ship or installation. Things get even more complex if they are located on a base in a foreign country or foreign waters.

woman and military personnel arguingOff-base Service

For military members living off-base, the serving process is simple and is the same as it is for any other civilian. Following the state and county guidelines is sufficient because no special treatment and precautions are required.

On-base Service

For those living on-base, some procedures need to be followed by the server. The personnel is served only if they themselves receive the papers. Giving the papers to military authorities or any other individual will not be considered as served.

Army On-base Service

Army officials will facilitate the serving process but are not obliged to complete it or see it through.

Army service members are entitled to legal counsel before accepting service, which means service attempts will not be allowed. Avoiding or preventing service by army officials is forbidden. Access to army bases with exclusive federal jurisdiction may not be permitted.

Air Force and Coast Guard Service

The regulations are similar to the army, with one difference. Air force authorities may allow access to military installations in some cases of serving documents. Commanding officers are not obliged to complete the service but are forbidden from being uncooperative and halting the process.

The regulations for the Coast Guard are no different. It may be wise to contact the legal department beforehand and inquire about details on how to complete the service. The service will likely be arranged by law security or the provost marshal who escorts you.

Find a Reputable Process Service for Serving Papers to the Military

Serving legal documents to members of the military can get rather complicated due to strict military regulations. This is especially true if the personnel is deployed in a foreign country. Let Serve Index do the job for you. We offer timely and efficient process serving, document retrieval, and mobile notary service.

Based in New York, our services apply to civilians, military personnel, businesses, and legal representatives. We meet every client’s needs and 100% legal fulfillment of all procedures.

Learn more about our dedicated service and reach out today.

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