Serving Legal Documents on the NYC Department of Education

The New York City Department of Education (DOE) regulates the public education system in NYC’s five boroughs, including Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. That being said, anyone who wishes to sue a NY public school for negligence or negligent supervision must course it through the DOE.

Before an action can be made, a notice of claim must be served within 90 days of the incident as detailed in Section 50-e of New York’s consolidated laws.

Plaintiffs and their attorneys could opt to hire a professional NYC process server to ensure fast and timely delivery of legal papers.

Serving Process on the NYC Department of Education

Since DOE is a non-mayoral agency, claims can be filed within the agency itself; a Claim Number will be issued, if necessary. When filling out the court form, indicate the defendant as:

  • N.Y.C. Department of Education, 52 Chambers Street, Room 320, B4

Upon completion of the Notice, the paper must then be served to the authorized government agency within the 90-day time period. Otherwise, your claim(s) may be at risk of being time-barred.

Serving legal papers is typically done in person. However, because of safety restrictions due to Covid-19, the DOE has temporarily suspended the hand-delivery of documents. In the meantime, the service process may be executed by email at [email protected] or via mail to the DOE’s Office of the General Counsel, 52 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007.

stack of documentsThe DOE reviews each paper to determine whether or not the department can authorize the service. If approved, the DOE informs the plaintiff of the status via email.

Note that the DOE only accepts the service of regular subpoenas and non-judicial papers. Other types of legal documents must be rendered to the New York City Law Department. The same rules apply when serving process on the Law Department.

If you need help serving documents anywhere in New York City, Serve Index LLC is at your disposal.

Get Swift and Reliable Process Service in NYC

A single error in the service process can lead to your claim being discounted. You can avoid this dilemma by working with Serve Index LLC. As licensed process servers, we ensure that documents are delivered within the required timeframe.

Our experienced process servers see to it that papers are delivered to the right recipients, the Affidavit of Service is filed in court, and a copy is sent to you via email. You’ll also get the following benefits:

  • Precise GPS tracking
  • Three delivery attempts
  • Updates on the service progress
  • Real-time email status notifications
  • Photo logs

It doesn’t end there. Depending on the urgency of your case, you can choose from the following modes of delivery:

  • Same-Day Service – delivery is done within the same day or receiving the papers
  • Rush Service – delivery is completed within 24 to 48 days of receiving the papers
  • Standard Service – process service is carried out within 3 to 5 days of receiving the papers.

Don’t let improper service be the reason for your case’s dismissal. Contact us today to get a free quote.

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