Family Court Documents Process Servers in NYC

The Service of Process in Family Court Cases

When you seek justice, conflict resolution, compensation, and closure from family disputes, one of your options is to file a legal complaint in Family Court. Preparing and filing a lawsuit is just the beginning, however, and the easiest part because you and your lawyer are in control of the process. What follows is a bit trickier: serving a copy of the summons and your complaint to the other party.

A case can only proceed in the New York Family Court if the defendant/respondent has been served with legal documents. Being a party to the case, you’re not allowed to serve the documents yourself. You’ll need to find responsible and reliable individuals who can do the job correctly and as swiftly as possible.

Professional Process Servers for Family Court Cases

Serve Index LLC connects you to professional process servers who know and follow the rules of process servicing in New York City. We are licensed to serve legal documents anywhere in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Queens. We can also send licensed process servers in Nassau and Suffolk in Long Island.

We have been offering this service  in New York City for years and have since built a reputation for delivering work as promised. Expect a fuss-free service and a high level of professionalism from Serve Index LLC.

We give the following guarantees:

  • GPS Tracking
  • Updates on Service Progress
  • 3 Delivery Attempts
  • Real-Time Photo Logs
  • Email Status Notification
  • Emailed Copy of Affidavit prior to mailing.

Our process servers work within these timeframes:

  • Standard Service: 3 to 5 days
  • Rush Service: 24 to 48 Hours*
  • Same Day Service*

*Additional fees apply

Timeliness, accuracy, and compliance with the rules of civil procedure — the Family Courts in New York will settle for nothing less, so these are what we deliver at Serve Index LLC.

Why Hire a Process Server?

New York law states that anyone of legal age who’s not party to the case (i.e., not the plaintiff, defendant, petitioner, respondent, cross-defendant or cross-complainant, or anyone who has an interest in the outcome of the case) may serve legal papers. The law even allows parties to the case to accompany process servers as they carry out their tasks.

While hand-delivering legal documents to an individual sounds easy, there is more to the task than most people realize. Consider that:

  • to the other party within the prescribed period of service, which varies depending on the nature of the docket:
    • Summons and Petitions that begin with “O” must be served at least 24 hours before the set date for the court appearance. This often applies to Family Offense cases.
    • Summons and Petitions that begin with “V” must be served at least eight days before the set date for the court appearance. This often applies to Custody and Visitation cases.
    • Orders to Show Cause that begin with “V” must be served by the date indicated in the docket. This often applies to Custody and Visitation cases.
  • The respondent may intentionally avoid service because he or she is aware that the petitioner has filed a case.
  • An inexperienced process server may not find the right timing to serve papers. They may be unaware of the three accepted methods of process servicing, and have limited resources for traveling and tracking a respondent.
  • An unlicensed process server might accidentally violate some rules in serving, which can be grounds for a dismissal without prejudice — a roadblock in litigation wherein the petitioner or plaintiff must restart the process of filing a case.
  • The petitioner may live outside of NYC.

Delays in the service of process will adversely affect litigation. There is a lot at stake on the success of process servicing, so this is a task plaintiffs must entrust to capable individuals.

We can say this with confidence: few are better at this job than our professional process servers.

Choose Our Reliable Services and Trustworthy Professionals

Serve Index LLC offers process servicing for all types of family court cases, including adoption, custody and visitation, guardianship, paternity, domestic violence, child and spousal support, and foster care approval and review.

If you believe that pursuing litigation for your family court case is best for your situation, we can help you make it happen. Our experienced process servers in New York City will see that your summons and complaint will be served quickly and successfully, while you and your legal team focus on strengthening your case.