
people talking

A Guide to Immigration Court Filing in NYS

The Immigration Court is the entity responsible for conducting removal proceedings and adjudicating immigration cases in the U.S. They handle cases, including deportation and removal of foreign-born individuals. As of…
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bank levy

A Guide to Bank Levies: How Do They Work?

Stay-at-home orders and social distancing protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to shut down. Consequently, employment rates began to plummet, and many U.S. households failed to sustain their…
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lawyer writing

UIDDA Effects on Out-of-State Subpoena Process

To simplify the laborious process of obtaining out-of-state depositions and discovery, the Uniform Law Commission developed the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (UIDDA) in 2007. The UIDDA standardizes the…
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A Guide to Obtaining a Foreign Subpoena

Foreign subpoenas are issued under the authority of a court covered by a “foreign jurisdiction”—the states and territories outside the state of the court. In some cases, a foreign subpoena…
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